
About us

Logistics Expertise

With our roots deeply embedded in logistics, we boast extensive know-how in navigating the intricate labyrinth of global supply chains. We understand the critical role of efficient logistics in your business, from planning and executing the transportation of commodities to managing inventories and warehousing. Our logistics solutions ensure secure, timely, and cost-effective delivery, enhancing the overall efficiency of your supply chain and paving the way for your business's success.

International Experience

At VIP SETUP & LOGISTICS S.R.O., we leverage our wealth of international experience to serve our clients effectively. Having worked with diverse businesses across different continents, we understand the nuances of international trade, regulatory environments, and market trends. This vast experience enables us to offer solutions that are not only efficient but also compliant with international standards and practices.

Unique Network

Over the years, we have cultivated a robust and unique network spanning manufacturers, distributors, and regulatory bodies. This network gives us a competitive edge in facilitating secure and efficient transactions, providing competitive pricing, risk management, and strategic guidance. We also leverage this network to offer verification and certification services, adding value and credibility to your commodities.

At VIP SETUP & LOGISTICS S.R.O., we are committed to delivering exceptional service that empowers your business. We are your partners in progress, standing alongside you at every step. With us, you can be assured of service that goes beyond expectations, ensuring your success in the commodities market. Let's embark on this journey together.